November Weekly Reflection Questions

Uncategorized Nov 06, 2023

Reflection Questions

Self reflection and enquiry work has hands down been one of the fundamental practices that has shifted my life into alignment more rapidly than any other consistent practice. When you are not afraid to turn away, you learn to turn to and trust yourself.

Sun in Scorpio (24 oct) and Sagittarius (23 nov)

Full Moon in Taurus 29 October

New Moon in Scorpio 13 Nov: The divine Will of the universe empower me with foresight and the ability to evolve

Full Moon in Gemini 27 Nov:  My sense of security is founded in myself, I am grounded and abundant

Theme and reflections: Transformation, power, sexuality and shadow.


Week Nov 6 - 11

  1. What are you letting go of right now?
  2. What are you PROUD of?
  3. What are 1-3 things that require your presence and adjustment to deepen your alignment?
  4. What core beliefs are being challenged for you to throw to the fire so you can be more free?
  1. Where could you bring more compassion and grace to your life during this 3rd...
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November 1 Call Replay

Uncategorized Nov 06, 2023
Amber Hawken
November 1 Call Replay

Dear Kin,

Thank you to those who journeyed live for this session and welcome to those about to enter into this space. I wish to remind you that this style of breathwork is incredibly powerful and that your intention matters. After the check-ins on the call, I walk you through the intention and the style.

I invite those watching the replay to share what is alive inside of you in the Kin Community General chat.

To set up for this breathwork you will require

  • A mat to lay on or firm bed/lounge
  • Something to cover your eyes
  • A pillow for beneath the knees
  • A blanket to cover you
  • A candle safely alight in the room
  • A journal for any words you may want to write afterwards

Please pause with your intention before you begin, it matters. Trust yourself.
With love

It is NOT recommended to do this style of breathwork if you are pregnant, have a history of heart failure and issues, epilepsy, acute PTSD or psychosis. If you are concerned, please consult your healthcare practitioner for advice...

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October Kin Resource: Stillness Meditation

Uncategorized Oct 04, 2023
Amber Hawken
October Kin Resource: Stillness Meditation

Hey family,

This months resource is a meditation. Why reinvent the wheel that serves us best?

This meditation is the perfect practice when the mind and emotions have you in their grips.

It can be used as a daily practice or simply as a go to when you feel drawn. Given this month (when this is released) is about harmony and relationships, it is important to tend to the disharmony within ourselves. 

In Kin, 


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Weekly Reflections for The Month of October

Uncategorized Oct 04, 2023

Monthly Themes and Reflections

Balance, Relationships and Equality

Whether you are aware of it or not, we are influenced by the cycle of the Moon.
Each week we will share questions designed in alignment with the moon cycle to bring about the most potent inquiry related to the moon’s position.
Please know, we are always a part of this cycle and taking it into account during reflection and inquiry allows us to leverage the energetic influence it has and get a deeper, more insightful experience in your practice.
Each week we will share any astrological transits so you can take this into account in your life, feelings, thoughts and experience during that time.

NB: This podcast episode by The Emerald is an excellent listen for those wanting to learn a little about how the Moon impacts the creation of life and our consciousness.

Take as much, or as little, time with these questions as feels right for you.

You can post your responses in the comments, or keep them private in your...

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October Kin Call Replay

Uncategorized Oct 04, 2023

Thank you to those who joined us live, and to those watching the replay, here is a summary of our session.

It was powerful to have such an intimate group of 8 to kick off the sessions.
I know many of you very well from previous events and witnessing you all beginning to witness each other openly was a treat.

We opened by acknowledging the First Nations people of Australia.

I encourage you to learn about the land you are living on and if it’s different from where you were born or work, those too.

Learn if it was colonized, the history, what the First Nations indigenous people called the land. Feel into the energy of its spirit and what it has to offer and most of all, what you can offer it back. 


How can you give back to the land you live on?


I pulled and read a card from the Alana Farichild MEDICINE HEART deck, which can be found in the call replay circle.

It was potent and very relevant, as always.

We spoke to the importance of doing what needs to be done...

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