November Weekly Reflection Questions

Uncategorized Nov 06, 2023

Reflection Questions

Self reflection and enquiry work has hands down been one of the fundamental practices that has shifted my life into alignment more rapidly than any other consistent practice. When you are not afraid to turn away, you learn to turn to and trust yourself.

Sun in Scorpio (24 oct) and Sagittarius (23 nov)

Full Moon in Taurus 29 October

New Moon in Scorpio 13 Nov: The divine Will of the universe empower me with foresight and the ability to evolve

Full Moon in Gemini 27 Nov:  My sense of security is founded in myself, I am grounded and abundant

Theme and reflections: Transformation, power, sexuality and shadow.


Week Nov 6 - 11

  1. What are you letting go of right now?
  2. What are you PROUD of?
  3. What are 1-3 things that require your presence and adjustment to deepen your alignment?
  4. What core beliefs are being challenged for you to throw to the fire so you can be more free?
  1. Where could you bring more compassion and grace to your life during this 3rd QRT (adjuste and release) moon phase?
  2. How are you bringing PLAY, connection and nourishment into your life?  Or, where would you LIKE to bring more PLAY, connection and nourishment into your life?
  3. What is ONE thing you could do (or not do) that would allow you to BREATHE more fully? 


Week Nov 12- 18

  1. What feelings do you need to make room for?
  2. What relationships or patterns are you allowing that never touch you deeply and remain only surface level connections?
  3. What is one way that you can better meet your need for healthy emotional connection?
  4. What would need to happen in order for you to feel safe to let go and feel?
  5. What change needs to happen to allow for more depth in your relationships with self, other and spirit?
  6. Where can you give yourself permission to be imperfect?
  7. What is your focus for the coming week?


Week Nov 19 - 25

  1. What are you doing REALLY WELL in your life right now?
  2. What are you PROUD of?
  3. What are 1-3 things you can take action on this week to move the needle forward on important projects or dreams?

(big, small, or seemingly insignificant)?

  1. What would bring more vitality in your life?
  1. Where could you give yourself permission to start again?
  1. How are you bringing PLAY into your life?  Or, where would you LIKE to bring more PLAY into your life?
  2. What is ONE thing you could do (or not do) that would create more clarity and allow inspiration to flow?


Week Nov 26- Dec 3

  1. What are you being asked to release so you can evolve?
  2. What message does your intuition have for you?
  3. Where can you be more honest with yourself?
  4. What can we CELEBRATE with you at this time?
  5. How could you better communicate your dreams so the universe can hear and deliver?
  6. What’s working really well right now?
  7. What is your focus for the coming week?


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