October Kin Call Replay

Uncategorized Oct 04, 2023

Thank you to those who joined us live, and to those watching the replay, here is a summary of our session.

It was powerful to have such an intimate group of 8 to kick off the sessions.
I know many of you very well from previous events and witnessing you all beginning to witness each other openly was a treat.

We opened by acknowledging the First Nations people of Australia.

I encourage you to learn about the land you are living on and if it’s different from where you were born or work, those too.

Learn if it was colonized, the history, what the First Nations indigenous people called the land. Feel into the energy of its spirit and what it has to offer and most of all, what you can offer it back. 


How can you give back to the land you live on?


I pulled and read a card from the Alana Farichild MEDICINE HEART deck, which can be found in the call replay circle.

It was potent and very relevant, as always.

We spoke to the importance of doing what needs to be done to move through the challenges and setbacks we face as we explore the deepest purpose of our lifetime.

We went into yarning and learning about those present.
I wanted to start with a gentle opening to set the standard for the level of depth and connection I encourage you each to bring to Kin.
It was felt, and thanks to those who shared. 

For those watching this back in the replay, if you like, I invite you to head into the Monthly Replay ‘circle’ in the member area and share your response to the yarning questions. You can load a video recording, or type it. Whatever you are comfortable with.


Two Yarn Questions

  • What is your secret vision for your life and this world. The one that you barely even admit to yourself, but if you were to achieve this, it would change everything?
  • What one event in your life has changed you the most, and how? 


We worked with presence,

the breath
and spoke to the importance of a practice to set the foundation for everything else in our life.

A practice,
a devotional practice is not something for us to gain,
but something for us to give,
to offer as thanks which will in turn,
be a form of refinement and recalibration
of our energy and direction each day.

It stops us moving through habit and winding up months or years down a track we didn’t even realise we were autopiloting on.
Not only that, our humble attendance to this commitment builds a deep inner strength, trust and vitality that compounds over time.

There is something to be said for the strength in your own world and how this clarifies your belief in self, life and Spirit. Finally, it is a way that we bring more light, more energy, a higher resonance with this world.

When we practice from a place of giving,
rather than agenda and expectation,
What we bring through
gives back to the greater web.

Let it move through you and move you.

The invitation and practice in life is to pay attention to your breath.
How are you breathing right now?
Is it relaxed?
Is it coherent (event and gentle into the belly).
Is your breath matching the energy you wish to carry into your every day?
We so often forget we always have the choice to be a self governed being and not let our inner mind chatter and feelings or the outer world dictate our choices.

To create harmony in our life, in the chaos, in the highs and lows, we must begin within.
This is the message.
Don’t look beyond the present moment,
right here and now for the answer.
It is always right here if we are willing to square up with what’s being given,
with what we feel,
with what we are challenged by.
It is and always will be right here and now.

Presence is the central message. 

A few things to ponder…

How can you bring more presence to each day? 

Do you need to turn your phone off during certain hours? 

Can you reduce stimulating foods, sugars and devices that encourage business and distraction? 



What changes do you need to make at this moment, so the direction of your Secret Vision is something that unfolds naturally, without force or grasping?

The key is living from this moment,
because the gift of infinite answers are available in the potential of true presence.
As long as you are present,
the solution will always be available. 

Presence is energetic, emotional, physical and spiritual presence.
The mind is a tool to remember dates, numbers, names, not to touch hot plates and all that practical jazz. Beyond that, it’s a distraction from life itself.


Unpacking Devotional Practice 

Simple Meditation 20 minutes




50% Complete

Two Step

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