December Weekly Reflection Questions

Uncategorized Dec 08, 2023

Reflection Questions

December 2023

New Moon in Sagittarius 13th dec AEDT

Full Moon in Cancer 27 Dec AEDT: The future world I envision is bright, I see where I can incorporate more optimism in life. 

Theme and reflections: Exploration, philosophy and wisdom

Week Dec 4 -10

  1. What has ended or is trying to end and how can you allow this ending to unfold with more grace?
  2. How can you find gratitude for what was so you can allow the release and the new to come through?
  3. How can you deepen your intimacy with yourself, nature, Spirit and the world around you?
  4. What is your intention for the coming week?
  5. What is working really well right now (answer however you interpret)?
    6. What is not working for you right now (answer however you interpret)?
  6. What can you do right now to support yourself to process any recent loss and find forgiveness?


Week Dec 11- 17

  1. What could you do to allow room for inspiration to drop in?
  2. How can you embody trust this week?
  3. What are 1-3 things you are inspired about creating in the coming year (just the whispers are needed, no details necessary)?
  4. Where are you in alignment with the creation of these inspirations?
  5. Where are you not in alignment with the creation of these inspirations?
  6. Where can you give yourself permission to be imperfect?
  7. What is your focus for the coming week?


Week Dec 18 -14

  1. What have you, are you letting go of?
  2. What are 1-3 things you are proud of yourself for?

(big, small, or seemingly insignificant)

  1. What is something we can celebrate with you?
  2. What are three things that you are really looking forward to the most?
  3. What’s working really well right now? 
  4. What’s not working really well? 
  5. Where can you give yourself permission to just start right now, ‘ready’ or ‘not’?


Week Dec 25 - 31

  1. What has been your focus for the past month?
  2.  What are the ten smallest, most minor, most insignificant things in your life that you are grateful for?
  3.  Where could you tell (more of) the truth?
  4. Where could you give more of yourself as a gift (not out of obligation or guilt), because it makes you feel alive.
  5. Where could you show up more for yourself?
  6. What is the ONE thing that if you completed, or took action on it, would make ALL the difference next week?

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