Embrace Deep Healing

and Connection 


Transform Your Life with Alchemy Rites on the Sunshine Coast

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Embrace Deep Healing

and Connection 


Transform Your Life with Alchemy Rites on the Sunshine Coast


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October 3-6 2024, Sunshine Coast, Kabi Kabi Country, QLD

Online support container for pre-cleanse and integration opens 16/9 and closes 22/9


For centuries, women have endured the normalisation of pushing to exhaustion, self-sacrifice to accommodate others' needs, and questioning the validity of their instincts.

A management of depth, truth, and sensitivity ensures that those around her remain comfortable. 

A habitual obliging and smallness, born from the need to survive, create a temporary sense of security through acceptance, conditional love, or financial stability, bound by this limited expression of her authenticity.

We were born into this.

Our Mothers, Mothers, Mothers were born into this.

You and I? We are here to change all that. 



Women's Alchemy Rites: A Sacred Journey of Transformation

 October 3-6, 2024


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Why Alchemy Rights?


Some fought back and were pushed down and punished.

A deep-seated fear unconsciously drives women to contain so much of what makes us powerful and unconsciously drives us to default, denying our very nature.

Some women expect this of themselves and of others.

Many are unknowingly numb to their bodies' signals and intuitive impulses and ignore the core need to be acknowledged as a force of creation and fierce grace.

When women gather together, an honest magic happens.

We don't just shed the weight of expectation; we finally have a place to relinquish control.

Our bodies have time to wake up and speak to us.

We have the room to listen and receive. And through immersion and the safety of community, we remember who we are.

Alchemy Rites is a place for you to transcend the ingrained patterns of self-sacrifice, emotional hardness, and disconnection from your inner truth.

This retreat offers a space to unravel outdated paradigms of scarcity, repression, and comparison, moving beyond over-intellectualisation and habitual smallness to embrace transformative energy.

Here, you release the weight of past grief, shame, and pain, embracing the depth of your authenticity and allowing vitality to flow from the raw, fierce currents of life through a reconnection to the very core of your being.

At Alchemy, you will awaken a profound capacity for wholeness that extends into every corner of your life. This healing not only transforms you but also creates a ripple effect, nourishing future generations and reshaping the legacy you leave behind.


We believe in another way of walking as a Woman in this world:

  • Embracing a way of flow, where growth unfolds naturally and without force, reflecting the transformative cycles of life and creation.
  • Prioritising a way of joy, valuing vitality and well-being over exhaustion, and drawing on the deep sensuality and nurturing love inherent in the Mother’s strength.
  • Fostering genuine connection through real relationships that honour both the nurturing and fierce aspects of our nature.
  • Engaging in a way of creation and co-creation that aligns with our profound intuitive insights and shamanic depth.
  • Recognising and activating our essence by embracing both the warrior spirit and the transformative life-death-creation energy within us.
  • Honoring natural rhythms by aligning with universal cycles of sustainability and listening to the deep, primal cues that guide our intuitive and emotional selves.

When women gather in this way, a great deal of mystery and magnificence unfolds. Together, we can serve, create, teach, and receive from a place of wholeness, power, and reverence, restoring the connection to ourselves, each other, and the world. 

Begin Your Journey of Healing and Transformation

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"What has allowed me to experience true and lasting transformation as a human and facilitator is the immensity of Amber's love. She has this inextricable ability to cut through my distortion while honoring me deeply. And this always gave me the courage to come into greater alignment and deeper truth within myself. She embodies an integrity that mirrors back to you the responsibility and privilege that is ours to facilitate healing at great depths. But it's what She enlists in your heart through her own ability to be fierce and tender that sets her apart from the rest.
She teaches from a space that is wholeheartedly committed to greeting and harnessing the innate intelligence and wisdom within and invokes your love and integrity simply through the activation of her own" 
- Ellen Travassarus, Teacher and Facilitator of the Human and Healing Arts

Where Are You Feeling Disconnected in Your Relationships?

Explore the Relational Challenges That May Be Limiting Your Growth

Understanding the challenges you face isn't just about individual struggles; it’s about how these challenges affect your relationships and connection to the world. At Alchemy Rites, we offer a compassionate space to explore and heal these relational dynamics.

  • Feeling Disconnected from Your True Self and Others: In today’s fast-paced world, you might feel a growing distance not only from your authentic self but also from those around you. This disconnection can leave you feeling isolated and misunderstood. At Alchemy Rites, you’ll find a supportive community where you can reconnect with your inner truth and build deeper, more meaningful connections with others.
  • Struggling to Honor Your Relationships with Earth and Ancestral Wisdom: You may feel a loss of connection to the natural world and the ancestral wisdom that once grounded your sense of identity. Alchemy Rites offers a space to restore this vital connection, integrating it into your relationships and fostering a deeper sense of harmony within your life.
  • Suppressing Key Aspects of Your Womanhood in Your Relationships: The most powerful parts of you—your nurturing strength, intuitive insights, and shamanic wisdom—may feel overshadowed in a world that often doesn’t recognize or honor them. At Alchemy Rites, we help you reclaim and celebrate these aspects, allowing them to flourish in your relationships and daily life.
  • Carrying the Weight of Unresolved Trauma in Your Interactions: Past experiences can deeply affect how you relate to others, sometimes causing pain and misunderstanding. Through sacred ceremonies and healing rituals, Alchemy Rites helps you transform these wounds, allowing you to engage with others from a place of strength and compassion.
  • Balancing the Needs of Others with Your Own Well-being: If you’ve always prioritized others at the expense of your own needs, this imbalance can strain your relationships and personal well-being. Alchemy Rites supports you in finding a healthier balance, so you can nurture both yourself and your relationships with greater authenticity and purpose.
  • Navigating the Challenges of Striving for Perfection in Relationships: The pressure to be perfect can create barriers in your relationships, leaving you feeling unfulfilled. At Alchemy Rites, we encourage you to let go of perfectionism, fostering more genuine and joyful connections with yourself and those around you.

Identify Your Struggles: Discover Your Path to Healing

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Understanding How Your Relationships Reflect Your Inner Struggles


 Your Past Shapes Your Relationships—But Together, We Can Redefine Them

Each challenge we face often carries with it a deeper story, rooted in our past experiences, societal conditioning, or learned behaviors. At Alchemy Rites, we invite you to gently explore these roots, to uncover and understand the patterns that have shaped your journey. This process isn't about assigning blame or labels, but about gaining insight and compassion for yourself, as you begin to transform from within.

  • If you feel disconnected from your true self, we’ll explore how life’s pressures might have distanced you from your core essence, guiding you back to the person you were always meant to be.
  • If you sense a disconnection from nature and ancestral wisdom, together we’ll gently reconnect the threads to your primal roots and feminine wisdom, expanding your capacity for wholeness and deep alignment with the rhythms of life.
  • If you’ve felt your powerful essence suppressed, we’ll create a safe space to reignite the transformative energy, intuitive insight, and nurturing strength that lies within you, allowing these vital aspects to flourish once more.
  • If you carry the weight of past traumas, we’ll support you in understanding how these experiences have impacted your sense of safety and worth, helping you reclaim the strength that has always been within you.
  • If you find yourself constantly giving to others, we’ll guide you in recognizing these patterns of self-sacrifice, helping you restore the balance that allows both you and those you care for to thrive.
  • If the pursuit of perfection has left you feeling exhausted, we’ll encourage you to release this need for control, embracing instead the beauty of imperfection and the freedom that comes with it.
  • If caring for others has led you to neglect yourself, we’ll support you in replenishing your energy, helping you to embrace self-compassion and sustainability in your healing journey.

Begin Your Journey of Healing & Transformation

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A Tailored Path to Healing and Transformation

At Alchemy Rites, We Meet You Where You Are and Guide You to Where You’re Meant to Be

Our Women’s Alchemy Retreat is more than just a program—it’s a journey into the heart of your true self. Here, we help you navigate the crossroads of self-doubt, insecurity, and disconnection, guiding you towards a life infused with magnetic power and profound authenticity.

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Detailed Program Overview

Four Phases of Transformation: A Hybrid Journey 


1) Preparation: Building a Strong Foundation 

The Alchemy Rites program for women is a carefully structured hybrid journey that blends online preparation with an immersive in-person retreat. This comprehensive experience is divided into four transformative phases, each meticulously designed to guide you through profound personal growth and healing.

  • Online Masterclasses: Begin by engaging in two online masterclasses, a holistic cleanse, and daily rituals designed to align your mind and body for the retreat. These initial steps set a strong foundation for the transformative work that lies ahead.
  • 14-Day Pre-Retreat Cleanse: Undertake a 14-day physical purification protocol, including a detailed regimen of nutrition, gut health practices, breathwork, and emotional regulation. This preparation is essential for ensuring your body and mind are ready for the deep work we’ll do together at the retreat.
  • Daily Rituals and Evening Routines: Daily Rituals and Evening Routines: Establish daily practices that ground you, including evening routines that help you connect more deeply with yourself and set a strong foundation for the immersive experience


2) Immersive Retreat: The Core Experience

Four-Day In-Person Retreat: Dive into a four-day retreat on Kabi Kabi Country, Sunshine Coast. 
The Alchemy Approach

Alchemy seamlessly weaves modern integrated therapeutic methods with ancient earth-based wisdom to create a profound healing journey. We integrate contemporary approaches—like attachment theory, Jungian analysis, and somatic practices—with revered traditions such as ceremonial rites, trance work, vibrational healing, and primal movement. Additionally, we draw deeply from the earth-based wisdom of our ancestors, reconnecting with nature’s rhythms and cycles.

At the core of Alchemy is the recognition that true healing unfolds through genuine, reciprocal relationships. By connecting with others from a place of deep presence and openness, we tap into powerful mutual growth and insight. This focus on relational depth not only mends individual wounds but also enriches our shared experience, nurturing a more integrated and harmonious self over time.

During the retreat, you will engage in a diverse range of practices and workshops that are carefully curated to support deep healing and transformation.

  • Traditional Sweat Lodge: Engage in a sacred sweat lodge ceremony for deep purification and renewal. This ancient ritual uses heat and steam to cleanse and reconnect with your inner self, symbolising rebirth.
  • Daily Yoga: Build physical and mental strength through daily yoga. This practice blends breath and movement, enhancing flexibility, resilience, and inner calm.
  • Sacred Embodiment and Dance: Reconnect with your core essence through movement, sound, and rhythm. These workshops tap into your innate creativity and healing energy.
  • Therapeutic Breathwork: Experience emotional and spiritual healing with guided breathwork. This practice releases trapped emotions and facilitates transformative inner journeys.
  • Pranayama: Use breath control techniques for balance and grounding. Pranayama enhances mental clarity and emotional stability, fostering overall well-being.
  • Dynamic Movement and Catharsis: Engage in spirited, rhythmic movement to unlock raw energy, facilitating deep personal healing and igniting your creative spark.
  • Birth Imprint and Cycle Workshop: Explore how your birth experiences shape your life’s creative journey. Reconnect with your menstrual cycle, rites of passage, and menstrual wisdom.
  • Partner Work and Contact Therapy: Create a safe space for authentic emotional exchange, fostering deep connections through presence, empathy, and mutual support.
  • Integrated Therapy: Heal past wounds and reclaim lost parts of yourself by reconnecting with your inner child and integrating unresolved aspects of your being.
  • Shadow Work: Discover inner balance by confronting and integrating hidden facets of yourself, fostering growth and personal transformation.
  • Elemental Immersion: Reconnect with the primal forces of nature through guided activities with Fire, Water, and Air. Embrace regeneration and alignment with these elemental energies.
  • Death & Rebirth in Nature: Experience the cycles of life and renewal through nature’s stages—birth, maturation, decay, and rebirth—reclaiming your essence and purpose.
  • Soundscapes and Meditation: Delve into your inner world with immersive soundscapes and meditation. Explore your subconscious and achieve spiritual alignment.
  • Sacred Ceremonies: Participate in traditional rites to ground yourself and connect with profound spiritual realms, deepening your sense of wholeness and insight.
  • Solitude and Noble Silence: Embrace moments of solitude and silence for introspective reflection and integration, connecting deeply with your inner self.
  • Yarning in Circle: Gather around the fire for authentic connection in womanhood and sharing. Share your stories, draw strength from the collective wisdom, and discover meaningful bonds that last a lifetime.


3) Integration: Sustaining Your Transformation

  • Post-Retreat Online Masterclasses:  Post-retreat, we provide you with two additional online group masterclasses and two easily digestible online programs. These support the practical and sustainable application of what you learned during the retreat, ensuring that the shifts you experience can be seamlessly integrated into your life, family, community, and work.
  • Six Weeks of Facilitator Support: Following the retreat, you will benefit from three weeks of unlimited facilitator support through our private online community. 
  • Lifetime Access to Resources:Additionally, you will have lifetime access to a private membership platform featuring two integration programs and a library of guided practices and techniques, including breathwork, meditation, and embodiment practices.



4) Ongoing Community: Building Lifelong Connections

  • Continued Sisterhood: You will be guided through a process over dinner on one of the retreat evenings, which will translate into a framework for ongoing connection with each other. This helps foster genuine connections, as you move from ‘strangers’ to friends, sometimes becoming closer than family, as you collectively experience some of the most powerful shifts of your life to date.

  • Comprehensive Support: From preparation to integration, every phase of your journey is supported with expert guidance and resources, making this retreat a truly holistic and life-changing experience.

  • All-Inclusive Experience: Our program includes the complete six-week preparation and integration phases, access to our private community channel, a resource library with lifetime access, four live masterclasses (with recordings available), and four days and three nights of twin-share accommodation at our private venue. All meals, primarily organic and cooked by our private chef onsite, are included in the all-inclusive price of $4,800 AUD, with payment plan options available.


Begin Your Journey of Healing and Transformation

All Inclusive Experience:

Our program includes the complete six-week preparation and integration phases, access to our private community channel, a resource library with lifetime access, four live masterclasses (with recordings available), and four days and three nights of twin-share accommodation at our private venue. All meals, primarily organic and cooked by our private chef onsite, are included in the all-inclusive price of $4,890 AUD, with payment plan options available.Our payment plans range from $800 to $1,700 per month, with a minimum deposit of 30% of the total fee required before the retreat.

What Makes Alchemy Rites Different:

Customized Experience: No two Alchemy retreats are the same. We shape each retreat to the needs of the women in attendance. With three core facilitators guiding you throughout the entire journey and up to five additional facilitators who come in and out for extra support, we prioritize depth over distance. This means that we may drop, swap, or substitute certain experiences to best serve the flow of the group, ensuring that each participant receives the most impactful experience possible.

Comprehensive Support: From preparation to integration, every phase of your journey is supported with expert guidance and resources, making this retreat a truly holistic and life-changing experience.

Application Process:

Due to the depth of this work, Alchemy Rites has an application process. When you enter your details below, you will be directed to a page to view our retreat investment options and submit an application. After 8 years, this process has been refined to ensure suitability and readiness, as our attendees are an integral part of the experience. We want to ensure that each participant is fully prepared to embark on this transformative journey, contributing positively to the group dynamic. 

Join Women's Alchemy for a Life-Changing Experience on the Sunshine Coast, Kabi Kabi Country


 October 3-6, 2024


Apply Now

 "Amber is fucking awesome. You don’t need to know anything else. Just say yes. If you seek the godmother of mystic energy, look no further."

– Katrina Rope, Mother, Engineer, Artist, Woman


The Process: Healing, Learning, Activating, Practicing and Dialoging Together

Healing Together

We’ll delve into the core of your struggles, embarking on a shared journey to rediscover your authentic self and reclaim your innate power:

  • Reconnect with Your Authentic Self: Address and heal the internal distortions that undermine your sense of worth, completeness, and self-trust.
  • Awaken Your Full Essence: Uncover and reclaim the vital, suppressed parts of yourself—your transformative life-death-creation energy, fierce wisdom, and intuitive vision—that have been overshadowed by a world that often fails to honor them.
  • Transform Trauma into Strength: Let go of past traumas that fuel patterns of self-sacrifice and repression, turning them into sources of strength and resilience.
  • Restore Balance in Your Life: Heal from over-giving and self-sabotage to re-centre your well-being and establish healthy boundaries.
  • Let Go of Perfectionism: Release the pursuit of perfection and cultivate self-compassion, embracing the beauty of imperfection.
  • Nurture the Healer Within: Rekindle your healing passion while prioritsing your own care, addressing the fears and resistance that arise around vulnerability and connection.

Learning Together

We’ll equip you with the tools and wisdom to sustain your healing and growth:

  • Build Trusting Relationships: Learn to establish healthy boundaries, foster interdependence, and remain steadfast in your personal values when it matters most.
  • Embrace Your Full Essence: Harness and integrate your transformative energy, deep wisdom, and insights. Develop the skills to express these potent aspects of yourself while supporting your ongoing healing and development.
  • Reclaim Your Power: Shift from suppression to authentic expression, aligning your actions with your true visions and aspirations.
  • Set Healthy Boundaries: Master the art of letting go, adapting, and navigating the natural cycles of growth and manifestation.
  • Embrace Authenticity: Cultivate a relationship with your thoughts that supports genuine communication and self-understanding.
  • Prioritize Self-Care: Establish nourishing practices that sustain your well-being, ensuring you remain balanced as you continue to support others.

Activating Together

We will activate the dormant energies within you, empowering you to live with authenticity and purpose:

  • Discover Your Roots: Connect with your ancestral lineage and inner wisdom, weaving this deep understanding into your present life and community.
  • Unleash Your Core Potential: Activate your latent transformative energy, inner insight, and innate sensuality. Step into your true self and align your actions with your highest goals.
  • Inner Warrior: Channel your inner strength to assert your truth with renewed power and resilience.
  • Harmonise Giving and Receiving: Cultivate balance in your relationships by activating and tuning into your unique energy flow.
  • Self-Acceptance: Embrace and celebrate your authentic self, deepening your intuitive insight and transcending intellectual limitations.
  • Sustainable Healing Practices: Establish enduring practices that nurture your growth, creativity, and personal well-being.

Practising Together

We will engage in daily practices that reinforce your transformation and build lasting habits:

  • Self-Acceptance Exercises: Engage in practices that foster self-love, radical ownership, and acceptance.
  • Harness Transformative Energy: Engage in daily rituals that channel and integrate your life-death-creation energy, enabling you to express your deepest wisdom and maintain momentum in your healing journey
  • Empowerment Exercises: Build confidence, patience, and coherence, allowing you to stand strong in your power.
  • Boundary Setting: Define and enforce boundaries with courage, surrender, and trust.
  • Compassionate Self-Talk: Replace self-criticism with supportive dialogue, staying open and receptive.
  • Self-Care Rituals: Restore your energy through routines that honor your needs and ensure you are cared for as you care for others.

Dialogue Together

We will explore the deeper layers of your journey, understanding the dynamics at play in your life and healing process:

  • Coming Full Circle : Reclaim your identity and the strength of community by exploring the roots of women’s leadership and finding your path forward.
  • From Victim to Empowered: Move beyond victimhood to wholeness, embracing devotion, inspiration, and humility as you redefine your sense of self.
  • Balance Giving and Receiving: Achieve harmony in your interactions by balancing giving and receiving, shifting your energy for effective manifestation and collaborative creation.
  • Embrace Authentic Self-Acceptance: Let go of perfectionism and embrace your true self, integrating both masculine and feminine qualities in your journey of healing.
  • Nurture the Healer Within: Continue to serve others while prioritizing your own well-being, cultivating stillness, presence, and profound self-awareness

Our Facilitators

Women's Alchemy Testimonials 


Final Words from Amber

Alchemy Rites is the deepest work I am honored to serve. This retreat is designed for women ready to embark on a transformative journey—not just for themselves but for their families and communities as well. Over the past eight years, this work has touched the lives of thousands, including those who serve within it, becoming a process of purification for everyone involved.

There is no end goal in this work; rather, it's about restoring the relationship with the power of choice, the healing balm of community, and the reality of awareness in our precious lives. Alchemy Rites supports you in remembering that no moment or experience is more precious or valuable than another. We know this in our hearts, but often external circumstances and our busy inner dialogues dictate our decisions.

Each retreat is uniquely shaped to the needs of the women in attendance. We prioritize depth over distance, ensuring that you receive the guidance and support needed to embody your true self. It's natural to feel both excitement and fear as you consider this step—this is a sign of respect for the profound transformation ahead.

I invite you to apply and have a conversation to see if Alchemy is aligned with where you are right now. There’s no interview or test, just a yarn about your intention and clarity around whether this is the best container for your journey.

I look forward to meeting you and walking this sacred path together.



Begin Your Journey Today: Apply for Alchemy Rites


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Our commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

 At Alchemy Rites, we are deeply committed to creating a space where everyone is welcome, regardless of background, identity, or life situation. We honor and embrace individuals from all walks of life, including members of the LGBQ+, BIPOC, and other marginalized communities globally.

To ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate in this transformative work, we have established a scholarship program. This program is designed to support those who may not otherwise have access to Alchemy Rites. We believe that healing and growth should be accessible to all, and we are committed to making this possible.

If you feel called to apply for a scholarship, please reach out to us at [email protected], and we will provide you with the application form. We acknowledge that we are continually learning and evolving in this space, and we are dedicated to making meaningful changes as we grow.

At this moment, we do not have the education, experience or depth of understanding required to offer a safe and supportive container for transgender individuals. We respect and acknowledge our current limits and are dedicated to developing our knowledge and practices to better serve all individuals in the future. Our commitment is to ensure that when we are ready to expand our scope, it will be with the necessary sensitivity and expertise to provide a truly inclusive and supportive environment.


“We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land  - whose cultures and customs have nurtured, and continue to nurture, this land.”

Apply for Women's Alchemy

October 3-6, 2024

Sunshine Coast, Kabi Kabi Country, QLD


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