Unleash Your Inner Strength: Begin Your Journey of Deep Healing and Brotherhood

Join Men’s Alchemy for a Life-Changing Experience on Bundjalung Country, The Pocket, Northern NSW


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Initiation + Core Level Healing + a Strong Brotherhood = Healthy Power, Presence and Legacy as a Man.

Join Men’s Alchemy Rites on Bundjalung Country, The Pocket, Northern NSW, Nov 7-10 2024



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From the brothers who've journeyed before you..


Due to the depth of this work and to ensure the quality of the container, Alchemy Rites has an application process. 
If you feel called, complete the form and book a time for a call. There is no pressure to join; it simply ensures alignment for you and us.

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4 Pillars of Men's Alchemy 

Deep Healing & Self-Acceptance

Beginning with a 14-day comprehensive cleanse, including daily routines of movement, breathwork, meditation, and emotional regulation, you’ll be fully energised and ready for the retreat. From the moment you arrive on Country, the blend of ancient rites, modern therapies, and deep-rooted ceremonial practices will help you transform hidden fears, anxiety, darkness, and self-sabotage. A man who emerges from Alchemy understands himself, is connected to his heart, and holds himself in a grounded, powerful way.

Brotherhood & Connection

You’ll be supported by a circle of genuine, grounded men who are trained in this depth of work and have repeatedly faced their darkness and power. This is a safe and powerful space where you'll be seen, understood, held, and respected—free from judgement, control, or pressure. You’ll learn to support other men through 12 months of online calls with your Alchemy group. Learning to lead, listen and respectfully reflect will equip you to apply these skills to your community.

Integrity & Accountability

This work leads to inner expansion, involving thorough enquiry, circle work, shedding many layers and a commitment to openness. There’s no hiding here, and none is needed. Many feel lost not due to weakness or incapability but because their values, purpose, and truth are buried beneath stoicism, criticism, and outdated ideals of manhood. Through this journey, you’ll rediscover that clarity—who you are, your values, purpose, and direction—alongside men who will hold you accountable to it.

Power & Inner Wisdom

Primal wisdom is about trusting your gut instincts—the part of you that knows how to act decisively, whether that means fighting, running, or pausing wisely. This approach doesn’t repress your animal nature, bypass your anger, or hide your shame in the shadows, which often leads to defensiveness, numbness, or overthinking. Instead, we awaken the warrior within while creating space for the tenderness of a man’s heart. You’ll learn to balance growth and success without compromise. This is where the boy within gives way to a conscious man—rooted, purposeful, and connected to something greater than himself.

"The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth"


- African proverb

Why Alchemy Exists?

The first thing to know, Brothers, is that a crew of good, strong-hearted, experienced men will hold you through this process. 


They have faced thorough personal Rites intentionally, ceremonially, and throughout life.

In addition to being professionally trained to handle the depth of this work, our team are men who have pushed to the very edge of death.

From surviving 40 days in the Colombian jungle with nothing but a knife and multiple rounds of 30 days of fasting followed by four days and nights sitting with Ancient medicine, no food, water or sleep. To enduring the sudden murder of grandparents and idols by an Uncle and coming out the other side of 12 years deep in extreme addiction. These men have faced both their demons and their power. Their wounds and their tenderness. 

Rest assured, they know why are you called to this, and what you may face. They understand deeply the need for men to face *death* in order to really meet themselves. 

They will not save you, attempt to shape you into a *man* or tell you how you need to be.

You will not be forced, shamed, judged or measured.

They will witness you, hold you, lift you, and lead you to the places inside you that are prime from rebirth, evolution and change. 

Alchemy is a Rite of Passage—a place to go when you are ready to burn away what no longer serves you. To face it all, to feel it all and to reemerge anew. 



For centuries, men have been shaped by the relentless demand to embody toughness, often at the expense of their emotional and psychological well-being. 

We have generations of unspoken pain, and unresolved inner conflicts backed up in the hearts of many men. 

Held down with the weight of expectation, shame and a list of external wins!

All of this is justified, often enforced and mostly modelled from your fathers, father father.

Did you realise that you carry this, brother?

Your Fathers, Fathers Fathers, have carried this pattern for a very long time.

Alchemy provides the preparation, environment, tools, and Elders to break the pattern and help you do things differently—very differently. 


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When a man faces what he has been avoiding, hiding or afraid of, he expands his capacity for wholeness, purpose and integrity. 


For tens of thousands of years, rites and rituals have been in place to ensure the healthy transition from one stage of life to the next, including that of boy to man.

The Indigenous cultures of this world understood that without them, men create destruction and chaos in their lives. 

The death of the boy is a necessary part of becoming whole. It’s an act of integration, not destruction.


The man who emerges does not reject the boy’s wonder or sensitivity—he allows them to fuel his strength.


In this way, the boy is not lost; he is the tender root from which the man grows, giving him access to a more grounded, authentic power—a power that serves life, not the self.


This journey into manhood asks for more than comfort or ease. It demands the courage to face discomfort, complexity, and truth.


The need for safety or recognition may have driven the boy’s fears and desires, but the man stands rooted in something greater.


The man knows how to hold grief and responsibility without losing himself.


He understands the weight of commitment, not as a burden, but as a gateway to real integrity and purpose. In this passage, the boy dies, but his essence is transformed.


The sensitivity that once sought protection now evolves into a deeper capacity to love, protect, and serve.


The wonder that once fled responsibility now becomes the ground for wisdom and strength.


This is not the conquest of the boy but his transformation into the very heart of the man.


It is this slow death, this unravelling, that allows the man to emerge—one who no longer hides from the world but stands on it, with both feet planted, connected to something larger.


This is the initiation, the sacred passage into true fulfillment of the desire to be free within himself and walk in this world connected to his heart and purpose. 

The primal warrior and the healer. 

Alchemy bridges the gap between the longing to access your trapped potential and living it every day for the rest of your life. 


Trust the call, brother. 


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Expansion, breakthrough, self-discovery, love, reflection, & an initiation like no other. I can't recommend this enough. If you're on the fence, jump. You won't regret it.

- Pete Tansley, Online Fit Pro Coach

Where Are You Repeating Painful Cycles, Even though You Know Better?

Understanding Our Past and How, When Left Unchecked, It Rules the Present. 


Alchemy incorporates integrated modern therapies, simple and profound ancient practices, and ceremonial Rites work to get to the root cause of behaviours and reactions that cannot be strong-armed (you know, you've tried). 


Patterns inherited from generations of old pain require more than a basic yarn with a brother. 


Look around us. It is everywhere. The modern man, or any removed from their roots, has been taught to disconnect from the warmth of their heart and fire in their belly for the sake of gain. 


Rite comes from the word ritual. Without rites and rituals, brotherhood, and elders, men are left to do their best to make it on their own. 


While some have discovered how to thrive, lead themselves powerfully, and bridge the gap with discipline and resilience, any man will know the feeling of missing pieces of the puzzle.


Many men find themselves caught in a cycle where they adopt stoicism, bearing their burdens in silence while their true emotions remain tucked out of sight.


Others might become the "Mr. Nice Guy," constantly accommodating and trying to please, yet feeling resentful, disconnected and unable to relax into feeling what they have to give is enough. 


Some push themselves to the limit, leading to exhaustion (sometimes depression) and burnout as they overextend beyond their capacity, whether unconsciously scratching that itch for a challenge or attempting to just feel something—anything.


And then some numb their pain, distracting themselves with superficial pursuits, parties or even spiritual practices to avoid facing their pain and avoidance of their power.


All men face moments when they stand on the edge of change; whether they’re experiencing peak highs or dark lows, they're hungry for Groundhog Day to end.


Without the guidance of elders or role models who embody true power, success, and leadership, many men find themselves deepening the societal pattern of seeking gains at the expense of their core values.


They forget the essential process of facing the death of their current self and the natural laws of cycles, which provide a pause for inward contemplation, reflection, and regeneration of their vitality to ensure they're both aligned and conscious of their lives' direction. 


This resistance to the rebirth cycle can prevent men from fully transitioning from boyhood to grounded, conscious manhood.


On the other side of this transition lies a way of life where growth and success don’t come at the cost of your values. It’s called regeneration—a life that prioritises integrity over convenience and blends rational thinking with emotional intimacy.


Rite of passage work creates the space needed for this evolution. It helps men step off the hamster wheel, activating a life of purpose and direction that benefits themselves, their communities, and the world.


Alchemy provides the environment, tools, and support to break free from these painful cycles. Here, you'll find a deep connection with yourself, others, and the world around you.


You’ll learn to integrate strength with vulnerability, discovering a greater capacity to feel, give, and care deeply. This is a space where you’ll experience the profound impact of being seen and respected by men who truly understand you.


Brotherhood and accountability here foster genuine healing and lasting change.

Before Alchemy, I was feeling numb. I wasn’t too sure what I was doing with my values and my life......It’s hard to pinpoint a single experience—everything has been leading from one thing to another. The experience of being here has released me from the pain and darkness that was so deep inside of me. I was able to release, find a way through, and discover a path to heal, accept, and be myself. If you’re on the edge, thinking, "Oh, it’s a big investment" or "I don’t have time off"—for whatever those excuses are, it’s your ego defending itself. When you come here, you’ll realise your mind is protecting the negativity in your life, and being here releases you from that. So, if you’re thinking about it, you're aligned with what you truly need and want. Go with it. Listen to your gut, listen to your instinct, and do it.

- Eli Vincent, Director of Vincent Roofing

You can be ready and nervous. This is our final Alchemy Rites for at least 12 months. We sell out each year. 


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“I recently attended the Men’s Alchemy Retreat with Amber and was totally blown away by the quality and depth of the guidance I received. Amber and her staff helped me to understand and integrate my traumas in a very gentle way. With their help I’ve been able to break self destructive patterns, curb addictions and feel in control of my life again. They’ve had a hugely positive effect on my life. Thank you SO much for your guidance Amber.”


– Sam Johnson - Men's Alchemy Retreat Participant 

Each Rite of Passage is uniquely designed to meet the needs of the men in the group. Nothing is ever the same.

The journey will vary depending on what each man—and the collective group—requires.

There’s an uncanny thread that connects the men in each new gathering.

Our team, made up of highly trained professionals, uses thorough preparation and deep inquiries to create a tailored experience that takes each group exactly where they need to go.

No man is left behind.

Each man will have the opportunity to both hold and be held, learning skills that stay with him for life.

You'll practice ways to support your brothers beyond this container and carry the strength, pride, and power that comes from facing your deepest, darkest aspects.

By reclaiming the energy and vitality hidden beneath the walls built to protect yourself from pain, you’ll unlock the power that has been buried behind it.


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Detailed Program Overview

Four Phases of Transformation: A Comprehensive Journey


1)Preparation: Laying the Foundation

The Men’s Alchemy Retreat is a transformative experience designed to guide participants through profound personal evolution. The program is structured into four distinct phases, each crucial for preparing, immersing, integrating, and sustaining lasting change. 

Online Masterclasses:  Begin with two group online masterclasses that introduce core concepts, set intentions, and mentally prepare you for the journey ahead.

14-Day Pre-Retreat Cleanse: Engage in a comprehensive 14-day cleanse protocol, including nutrition and gut health guidelines, daily rituals, breathwork, and emotional regulation practices. This phase is essential to prime both body and mind for the deep work ahead.

 Daily Practices: Establish evening routines and mindfulness exercises that help ground you, creating a stable foundation for the transformative experience to come.

2) Immersive Retreat: The Core Experience

The Alchemy Approach

Alchemy uses both integrated therapeutic methods and ancient earth-based wisdom to create a deeply transformative experience. We incorporate modern approaches such as attachment theory, Jungian analysis, and somatic therapies alongside timeless practices like ceremonial rites, trance work, vibrational healing, and primal movement. We also draw from the ancient wisdom of our ancestors, connecting with natural elements and cycles. This holistic approach tackles both immediate concerns and deeper, underlying issues, rooted in our connection to the natural world and our ancestral heritage. 

Central to Alchemy is the belief that true healing arises from genuine, reciprocal relationships. By engaging with others in a space of deep presence and openness, we unlock the potential for mutual growth and insight. This focus on relational depth not only heals individual wounds but also enriches our collective experience, fostering a more integrated and harmonious self over time.

Four-Day In-Person Retreat: Immerse yourself in a four-day retreat at Wybalena Organic Farm, Northern NSW. Experience a variety of transformative activities, including:

  • Traditional Sweat Lodge: Engage in a sacred sweat lodge ceremony for deep purification and renewal. This ancient ritual uses heat and steam to cleanse and reconnect with your inner self, symbolising rebirth.
  • Daily Primal Movement: Restore natural body function and mobility with primal movements, including stretching, breathing, and synchronised exercises.
  • Dynamic Movement and Catharsis: Tap into raw energy through intense rhythmic movement, driving personal healing and sparking creativity.
  • Therapeutic Breathwork: Clear emotional blockages and gain mental clarity by harnessing the transformative power of breath.
  • Breathwork for Mastery: Master breath control techniques to boost energy, balance, and mental focus while stabilising emotions.
  • Space Holding: Build empathy and relational skills through specific group exercises that stretch, expand and extend your capacity to be with pain, discomfort and healing.
  • Partner Work and Contact Therapy: Facilitate genuine emotional exchange in a safe space, fostering deep connections through presence and empathy.
  • Integrated Therapy: Heal and integrate past wounds by reconnecting with lost parts of yourself and your inner child.
  • Shadow Work: Achieve inner balance by confronting and integrating hidden aspects of yourself for personal growth.
  • Elemental Immersion: Reconnect with nature’s primal forces through guided activities with Fire, Water, and Air for regeneration and alignment.
  • Death & Rebirth in Nature : Re-embody each stage from within, being activated by each phase – birth, maturation, decay, death and rebirth of yourself as a man and everything you do.
  • Soundscapes and Meditation: Dive into your inner world with sound and meditation to explore your subconscious and align spiritually.
  • Sacred Ceremonies: Engage in traditional rites to ground yourself and connect with deeper spiritual realms for profound insight and expanded capacity for wholeness. 
  • Solitude and Silence: Use solitude and silence for deep reflection and integration, connecting with your inner self.
  • Yarning and Sitting in Circle: Connect authentically around the fire in brotherhood circles and yarning sessions, sharing stories and drawing strength from the collective.

3)Integration: Applying Your Transformation

  • Post-Retreat Online Masterclasses: Participate in two additional online group masterclasses to solidify the practices and insights gained during the retreat.
  • Six Weeks of Support: Benefit from six weeks of unlimited facilitator support within our private online community. This ongoing guidance ensures that the transformations are sustained and integrated into your daily life.
  • Lifetime Access to Resources: Gain access to a private membership platform with integration programs and a library of over 15 guided practices, including meditation, breathwork, and embodiment techniques.

4. Sustained Brotherhood: A Lifelong Connection 

  • Ongoing Community: Foster genuine, lasting connections with fellow participants. This brotherhood, forged during the retreat, will support your continued growth and transformation long after the retreat ends.
  • Personalised Rituals and Practices: Develop and maintain rituals and practices learned during the retreat, ensuring that your transformation continues to evolve and enrich your life.

Hear from Seth, Adam and Pete



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The Process: Healing, Learning, Activating, Practicing and Dialoging Together

Healing Together

We’ll dig into the core of your struggles, heal together, and help you reconnect with your true self to reclaim your power as a man

  • Reconnect with Your True Self: Dig deep to heal internal distortions around worth, power, and trust. Reclaim your true self and your power as a man.
  • Transform Trauma into Strength: Uncover and release past traumas that fuel hypervigilance, aggression, and self-sabotage. Turn your struggles into your greatest assets.
  • Restore Balance in Your Life: Address and heal from emotional suppression and overburdening. Learn to prioritize your well-being and achieve true balance.
  • Let Go of Perfection: Stop chasing external validation. Embrace imperfection, foster self-respect, and focus on what truly matters.
  • Heal the Protector Within: Reignite your passion for life and balance your inner protector with your true desires and purpose.

Learning Together

We’ll equip you with the tools to sustain your healing and growth:

  • Build Trusting Relationships: Master the art of setting healthy boundaries, fostering interdependence, and standing strong when it matters most.
  • Reclaim Your Power: Shift from suppression to authentic expression and commit to actions that align with your core values.
  • Set Healthy Boundaries: Learn how to let go, adapt, and navigate the evolving cycles of growth and success.
  • Embrace Authenticity: Engage with your thoughts in a way that serves you, encouraging honest communication and genuine dialogue.
  • Prioritise Self-Care: Develop practices that support your well-being, ensuring you’re nourished as you protect and provide for others.

Activating Together

We’ll unlock your hidden potential and empower you to live with real purpose and authenticity:

  • A Strong Sense of Duty: Forge a deep bond with your inner protector, driving your actions with clear purpose and commitment.
  • Inner Warrior: Awaken your primal strength, expressing your truth with unshakable resilience and power.
  • Balance of Strength and Compassion: Harness your unique blend of power and empathy, balancing dynamic energy in your relationships.
  • Self-Acceptance: Fully embrace who you are, expanding your intuitive insight beyond mere intellectual understanding.
  • Sustainable Healing Practices: Build enduring energy for growth, daily practices, and meaningful community involvement.

Practicing Together

We’ll embed transformative habits into your daily routine to solidify your growth:

  • Self-Respect Exercises: Cultivate self-discipline and integrity through practices that instill radical ownership and respect.
  • Empowerment Exercises: Boost your confidence and patience, reinforcing your ability to stand firm and aligned with your power.
  • Boundary Setting: Boldly define and uphold your boundaries with wisdom and confidence.
  • Compassionate Self-Talk: Replace self-criticism with encouraging dialogue, keeping yourself open and receptive.
  • Self-Care Rituals: Restore your energy with routines that prioritize your needs, ensuring you’re fully supported while you support others.

Dialogue Together

We will explore the deeper layers of your journey, understanding the dynamics at play in your life and healing process:

  • The Journey from Lost to Found: Reclaim your true self and brotherhood, exploring the shift from integrity in leadership to rediscovering it in your own life.
  • From Fixer to Protector: Evolve from raw aggression to balanced strength, embracing wisdom, humility, and honour in your role.
  • From Overburdened to Balanced: Shift from isolation and overwork to a life of integration and supportive community.
  • The Journey to Self-Respect: Let go of perfectionism, embracing your authentic self and harmonizing masculine and feminine aspects in your healing.
  • Healing the Protector: Serve and protect others while ensuring your own well-being, fostering stillness, presence, and deep listening to both self and life.

Amber Hawken is an amazing human and such a beautiful soul. Ambers grounded approach to yarning allows authentic, genuine connection to achieve the desired learning outcomes at every session.Yarning with Amber, allowed me to first identify limiting beliefs, concerns and issues. Amber then guided me to go deeper into the emotion and held space and lead the journey for me to identify my own answers and way forward towards healing. Amber then explains means, teaching and learning from her own journey to help find deeper meaning and ways moving forward. Explaining the methodologies that create sustainable ways of healing. Amber has helped connect me to pathways and methodologies to continue the healing process and enable growth in my journey." 

Maurice Woodley, Musician, Mentor and Founder of Picqui Arts

Our Facilitators

More words from the brothers about their experience at Alchemy

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Final Words from Amber

Men’s Alchemy isn’t just about healing—it’s a full-on transformation. This retreat is for men ready to reclaim their strength and live with real brotherhood, integrity, and purpose. Over the past eight years, we've seen countless lives change through this work, building a strong community of men grounded in shared values and respect.

This journey isn’t just personal; it’s about reconnecting with your inner strength and the power of brotherhood. We’ll break down the walls holding you back—past wounds, societal pressures, or self-made limits—and replace them with a foundation of integrity and purposeful living.

As a woman creating this space, my goal is to help you integrate the feminine aspects of compassion, intuition, creation and destruction, pleasure, regeneration and vulnerability—not as weaknesses, but as strengths that amplify and integrate alongside your masculine core.

At Men’s Alchemy, you’re never alone. Every step is backed by a community that gets your struggles, celebrates your wins, and pushes you towards your highest potential. This isn’t a quick fix; it’s a lifelong commitment to living fully and authentically.

If you made it here, you get it. Let's go. 


November 7-10, 2024

The Pocket, Bunjalung Country, Northern NSW


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“We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land, whose cultures and customs have nurtured, and continue to nurture, this land. We pay our respects to Elders past, present, and future.”


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